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The problem is the democratic party.
Posted : 25 May, 2024 04:48 PM

Trump claims Biden had FBI ready to shoot to kill during Mar-a-Lago search

I am glad that organizations like 'PolitiFact' are present to help people wade through the murky waters! Of course some people might remember how 'PolitiFact' helped to cause confusion during the planned pandemic saying:

"COVID-19 vaccines work, even if they aren’t 100% effective"

(Fortunately 3 months after you guys recommended people get the shot, you guys doubled down and said: Claim that Pfizer data shows vaccine does more harm than good is Pants on Fire)

Americans realize that the 'Fact Checkers' often have diriahia of the mouth


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The problem is the democratic party.
Posted : 24 May, 2024 12:34 PM

I am not anti-democrat...rather I am in favor of restoring common since, and the democrat party has left the common since path.

If a person looks at life in America right now they will notice that there is not a lot of political campaigns being held. There are several reasons why that is. #1 Joey O-Biden is one of the best front runners that the democrats have and Joey has trouble producing a 30 second pre-recorded why would they stick Joey in front of a live microphone for longer than 10 seconds.

The #2 reason is that to attempt to make Joey look a little more sophisticated the democrats have tried to cover president Trump in mud.

The democrats have bribed corrupt officials to drag Trump into a courtroom on made up charges (not only has the trial be designed to paint Trump in a bad light) but as a bonous Trump cannot spend as much time on the campaign trail.

(What is being done to Trump is a total clown show...but that is the point. They are just throwing mud at Trump and hoping something will stick. <hint it fact all the mud pies that have been thrown will end on you guys heads>)

But I am wanting to talk about a slightly diffrent issue. The democratic party is sweating bullets because of all of the fraud that they have committed, and I have personal knowledge that the major players never wanted Trump to become president. That explains why democrats have tried so hard in the past to impeach Trump while he was in office. But at any rate in August 2022 the scheme was to find classified documents in Trumps possession. So the democrats convinced t he fbi to get a search warrant to go look for classified documents at a place called mar-a-lago

I want to point out that the hunt was designed to locate paperwork. Recently it came out that even though the official reason was a paperwork sounds to me like the "hope" was that the whole thing would turn into a gunfight. I assume that some trigger happy fbi agents might have been thinking 'it would be ashame if a gun fight broke out and the president was shot." I have heard from the former atorney general of the state of Flordia that emergency responders were also present at the raid.


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The problem is the democratic party.
Posted : 23 May, 2024 12:25 PM

In psychology what many of the democrats are doing is called deflection.

Deflection is a tactic where someone avoids criticism or blame by shifting the focus or responsibility onto something or someone else.

This morning I was watching a news program and a guy by the name of James Comey was spotted using the defensive stratagy.

I listened to what James had to say, and my comment was 'So your afraid that when Trump resumes the presidency you are afraid that Trump will weaponize the justice system just like the democrats used the legal system as a club to bash Trump on the head.'

One of the terms that is used is called "a two tier justice system". Other folks might say 'the door should swing both ways'. The democrats seem to dream of a world where they can live by one set of rules, but everybody else needs to follow a diffrent set of short the democratic mindset seems to be that they approve of hypocrites!

I watched another news story about the black community in Chicago are catching on to the democratic abuse. The dems want to give special treatment to illeageal imigrants, but the problem is that the democrats do not understand that it is wrong to provide housing, warming/cooling stations, free money to non U.S. citizens all while telling poor American citizens 'you are not privileged enough to receive to receive the same type of aid'.

Fortunately, everyday people are starting to understand that one of the unspoken pillars of the democratic party seems to be built on the idea that hypocrisy is ok.


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The problem is the democratic party.
Posted : 21 May, 2024 04:45 PM

The problem is the democratic party.

If your like the majority of have proably noticed the actions of 'crazy uncle Joe'. I do not know what the straw that broke the camels back was, it might have been the fact that Joey often confuses children with scratch and sniff stickers, maby you are beginning to notice that the guy continually makes racist remarks (I am not saying that every now and then humans do not make incensitive comments but its like -what did Joey mean when he said "if you dont vote for me then you aint black"-) Perhaps you have heard reports that Joey enjoys walking around nude or maby you read the journeling of his daughter that said that her dad got in the shower with her. Or maby you have noticed that Joey and vice president Kamala think that the country should take care of citizens of other countries but neglect American citizens...whatever reason that is causing you to severely question voting for Joey...I want to clearly state that the crazyness is not just coming from Joey rather its the democratic party. Even if the democrats choose to put a fresh face in the game, so instead of seeing signs that say vote for Joey, the democrats might try to produce some flashy sign that says vote for Kamalla Harris or vote for Michelle -Big Mike- Obama, but let me asure you to not be fooled...its a new face that has the same old busted ideas!

On a related note, much of the country has noticed the 'lawfare' that the democrats try to use. (Since the democrats can not win in the court of public oppinion they still try to make themselves look good by dragging there opponets into court and charging them on some 'technical rule' that the dems created.)

So not only is the democratic party a bad idea generating machine, but also some nefarious minded individuals have figured out that the democrat party will gladly rent out the democratic platform to the highest bidder. If a group of individuals (say) wanted to kill all of the puppies, then the group could make a donation to the democratic party. In a short amount of time democratic law makers will produce legislation that says why puppies should be killed. Then if anyone resists the puppy legislation then the democrats will haul the decenter into court where fines, penalties, or prison sentences can be handed out. (I am having a difficult time seeing why anyone would want to support the democratic party.)


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Former supression!
Posted : 20 May, 2024 04:16 PM

It sort of feels weird to me to celebrate when someone dies, however there was fireworks going off in the country of Iran because "the Butcher of Tehran" died in a helicopter crash...and I have a feeling that the event smells like success to me! Not only do I think that people in that region will be able to sleep easier now that the Butcher of Terian is dead.

But also I find it amusing that one of Joey O-Bidens money laundering crime partners is dead!

Iran considers its relationship with Hezbollah as crucial, as it provides Iran with a means to expand its influence in the Levant, exert pressure on Israel and US interests, discourage any attempts at regime change, and uphold its ideological commitments.

Hezbollah has received substantial financial support from Iran, estimated to range from $700 million to $1 billion annually. Additionally, Iran provides weapons, training, and other forms of assistance to Hezbollah.

(The Levant is a region of the world, its a historical term designating the region along the eastern Mediterranean, roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and adjacent areas.)

The evil deep state actors play a 'game' that is sort of like soccer. Joey (O-Biden) steals millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers, then in a dazzling move Joey discuses the loot and make it look like 'humanitarian aid' which he passes to the butcher. (oh my goodness can you believe the show that we are seeing today!) The butcher carefully filters the 'humanitarian aid' and he distributes the loot to hezbollah which is a militaristic terrorist organization.

I am a GOD fearing man that Loves peace, but how can I not smile as the Butcher is carried off the playing field and then a sheet is pulled over the guys head! I know its a major set back to the deep state (which includes team Obama-Biden)

The news is almost as entertaining as hearing about the debacle where the deep state drug Trump into court, and GOD turning the tables on the deep state. The court case was crafted to keep Trump off of the campaign trail, but now not only is Trump positively influencing voters in key battle ground states and now Trump is gaining the support of voters that used to be solidly blue! hahahahahahahaha (Can you imagine the level of incompetence that must exist within the ranks of the democratic party.) I do not think that the democrats will ever be a legitimate political party again. The democrats might have once stood for the values of everyday people...but now those looser are chasing voters and catching nothing!


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Former supression!
Posted : 20 May, 2024 02:50 PM

It sort of feels weird to me to celebrate when someone dies, however there was fireworks going off in the country of Iran because "the Butcher of Tehran" died in a helicopter crash...and I have a feeling that the event smells like su


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Former supression!
Posted : 19 May, 2024 09:34 PM

A group of self serving bad people have worked to suppress technological innovations. In the coming days and weeks, not only will the public be made aware of what life could have looked like but humanity will be amazed at the height of new inventions that are built upon the formerly suppressed innovations.

“And where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment. And therefore, though the people cannot be judge, so as to have, by the constitution of that society, any superior power, to determine and give effective sentence in the case; yet they have, by a law antecedent and paramount to all positive laws of men, reserved that ultimate determination to themselves which belongs to all mankind, where there lies no appeal on earth, viz. to judge, whether they have just cause to make their appeal to heaven.”


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Waiting for the celebration!
Posted : 19 May, 2024 02:21 PM

As we slide down the razor blade of life, allow me to provide a few updates.

-Walmart Issues Major Warning To The Entire U.S. Economy (It's Bad)-


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Waiting for the celebration!
Posted : 17 May, 2024 02:12 PM

Waiting for the celebration!

Some people know that I have been under demonic attack for over twelve years now. I simply refer to to the situation as "my cocoon" (Because even though the demons planned to place me in a tomb, GOD turned the situation around for my the tomb was turned into a cocoon!)

Although I am greatly insulated from the negative things going on around me, at times I become very frustrated because I am in the cocoon. I know that the cocoon is temporary, but I am not certain how temporary it is.

I guess the situation that I am in is sort of like what the early followers of JESUS must have felt like:

Luke 24:49

“I’m sending you what my Father promised. Wait here in the city until you receive power from heaven.”

I want to add another element to the story: when JESUS said wait for Power...we celebrate the day when Power was sent, and the date is called "pentecost". In the year 2024 pentecost is celebrated on Sunday May 19th.

The storyline is simple: "Who is bankrolling the destruction of America?" Unfortunatly ordinary folks are being forced to pay for the destruction of this country. (The deep state has arranged things so that they control our checkbook.) As long as this country remains financially solvent/stable then the bad guys will have money to fund there fraudulent schemes.

Therefore I see it as a positive thing when I read that 100's of banks are in hot water.

Anyway the war-drums are beating and a hole has been cut into the pockets of the financial institutions of Americans (which is good for us because it means that soon the fradulent deep state will starve to death)

US stocks ticked upward Friday (5-17-2024) as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) closed at 40,000 for the first time ever.

--- ---However--- ---

Beware the ‘melt-up:’ Analysts say stocks may soar just before they collapse

I wanted to tell people that they are more than welcome to wait and see what GOD is going to do. I do not know exactly when we will see the deep state actors fall to the ground as they starve to death, but I expect that the event will be soon!


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Shine the headlights of your car on down the road
Posted : 12 May, 2024 02:37 PM

Shine the headlights of your car on down the road

I am not the best at the Biblical Greek language, but I have studied it for years and I would like to point out something that I recently saw (of course the lesson can also be seen in English Hahahaha)

Humanity is going through a split. In the past there have been different groups that hold to different opinions, but the split that is coming will make for two extremely different groups. The two groups will experience life differently. (For example both groups could be standing on the same side of the creek as the flood waters swirls around them, when all of a sudden the wind blows a tree down. The one group of folks will only be able to think that now a tree has damed up the water in the creek and soon the flood waters will overtake them...the other group is also amazed because a bridge acrost the creek has just apeared)

Right now many people are deciding which group that they should join. The people are trying to sort through paper work in poorly lit conditions. This group of people are currently in 1 big bunch at the end of the road. As each person chooses group 'A' or group 'B' a certain amount of light is made, so the more and more decesion makers that there are the more and more potential light is being broadcast.

For many years the enemy (satan) has put people in my life to try to get me to hide the light that I am broadcasting. (at this point I want it to be known that basicly the only tool that the enemy has is deciete and manulipulation) the enemy does not even has its own work crew, instead the enemy infiltrates our camps and tricks the people on gaurd duty. The gaurds do not realize it but often there actions hurt the camp that they are protecting. (Generaly speaking some extremly difficult times have been caused by multiple gaurds...dificult time occour when multiple gaurds do not correctly preform say 10% of there job)

As people make an decesion about which group they will be in a light is broadcast, but the more self improvements that each person makes the brighter the light gets.

I tend to post/write articles that help people to understand that they need to make a decesion, however at this time I am writting so people can learn from what has recently occoured in my life.

As I have explained for years and years I have been abused by people that were supposed to gaurd the camp. For many years I have been somewhat upset with the gaurds but recently I have started to look at the gaurds as 'future allies'. It may be tomorow, or maby the next day but someday soon the gaurds will make a choice (remember up until this point the gaurds have been trying to make a decesion while they were in the dark) But thanks to my buddies and friends that are waking up and realizing that the enemy is causing internal division (like in the following article explain how the proteste are not staged Kids from all over the country have suddenly all rallied behind the same cause at the same time and they all decide to buy similar looking tents, and they all managed to make similar looking homemade signs) More and more people are realizing that someone is planting people to cause division...if your a gambeler you would say 'someone stacked the deck' 'someone loaded the dice'

-Police won't break up pro-Palestinian protest at Johns Hopkins 'barring any credible threat of violence'- (dont you wonder who made that decision, we have seen a similar situation at hundreds of other you think cops are naive enough to think that violence will not occour on there doorstep.) The cops are being told to not break up the protests! But more and more people are becoming alerted to the fact that 'we are being played'

So congratiulations on waking up...what now? Now that you caught onto the ruse that is being played focous on working on yourself. I have told you that one way that I have recently improved my own attitude is that I am trying to be more understanding and patient and realize that many of my opressors have been tricked. Perhaps for other people self improvment for them will be to realize that eating snakcakes is not eating healthy.

But I am glad that quite a few people are looking around and are noticing that we have been led into a trap, and although I do not know exactly how you are going to improve your life...but I can say that the more and more positive goals that you achieve then the brighter the light that you shine will be.

Maby someone wants to improve themselve/humanity by planting flowers and useful plants.

Thank You!

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